Category Archives: Small Business
Asset protection planning is all about taking chips off the table in good times, so that you still can walk away from the table a winner no matter what happens in bad times. Those who worry the most about asset protection are those who are the most likely to get sued, but average folks often get caught up in difficult situations, and thus if you have something to protect then the topic of asset protection should at least cross your mind. Join Bill and Rick to discuss exactly when and how you can best maximize your protection against unwanted creditors and lawsuits.
Bill Bernard –
Rick Moscoso –
The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.
Some employers discipline their employees by docking their pay or putting them on unpaid suspension for violating workplace rules. However, such a policy can create big problems if the employee whose pay is reduced is exempt from such suspensions because he or she is paid on a salary basis and generally exercises a certain degree of responsibility and discretion in doing the job. In this show, Bill and Rick discuss when salary deductions are applicable and how unpaid suspension exceptions apply.
There are many scams that are ongoing in the small business asset protection world. Simply, there is much false information spread about concerning business credit issues and even so-called protection “policies” sold by non-licensed professionals. In this show, Bill and Rick explore both what asset protection means for small businesses, as well as what it should not mean. Once convinced you should employ asset protection tools for your business, and you should, learn how to ensure its proper adaptation to your particular business model and avoid the “oversell” scammers.
Bill Pyott
New York Life
Bill Bernard
WFB Legal Consulting, Inc.
949.413.6535 or 949.698.6222
Do you know how to implement the proper classification of your employees? Are you making sure that your supervisors are receiving proper training before dealing with employee issues? Are you aware of how vacation policies and overtime are supposed to be utilized and what the law requires should it become necessary to terminate an employee? In this show, Bill and Rick discuss these and many more issues which have been a “popular” source of lawsuits that otherwise could have been avoided. Learn how you can help your business stay off the courthouse steps, resulting in both a safer and more productive workplace for your business.
18001 Skypark Circle, Suite H
Irvine, CA 92614