There are numerous ways in which manufacturers or owners of a product or service arrange to have it sold to the public or wholesalers further down the line of distribution. But by far the most common method is to utilize “distributors” who normally are independent entities who seek sales, pay their own expenses of business, and either buy the product for resale at a markup, or simply process orders. Are you familiar with distributor agreements and whether distributors are applicable to your business model?

Bill Bernard –

Rick Moscoso –

The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.

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Arbitration is a method to resolve disputes outside of court. Often times it is contract-based. Did you know that many times employers make job offers contingent upon signing such agreements? Have you wondered whether an employee is required to sign an arbitration agreement? Do you know the difference between binding and non-binding arbitration? Join Bill and Rick for a discussion about arbitration agreements generally, as well as how they relate to the employer-employee relationship.

Steve Smith
GrowthSource Coaching