An intern is not someone you simply elect to work for you and not pay. If the person is working for you, they are an employee and the Labor Code will apply. However, there is an exception to the Labor Code that allows true interns or externs to come into your place of business and perform tasks without pay, so both can reap benefits. Otherwise, your intention to bring on free labor because you cannot afford to pay someone will expose you to audit by the Labor Commissioner’s office or EDD, and/or liability to any intern who worked for you for up to four years after they leave your employ.   Learn more on this episode of the Bottled Business Sense Show.

Bill Bernard –
949.698.6222 LAWYER for BUSINESS

Rick Moscoso –

The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.