Tag Archives: bottled business sense show
California law regarding fraudulent conveyances makes it a crime to sell or give away your real or personal property in order to avoid having to use that property to pay back a debt. Debtors who break these laws, or people who help them break these laws, may face jail time as well as monetary penalties. Some important examples are provided in this week’s show that make clear why asset protection planning should be an evolving process over time.
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Rick Moscoso – Captivate365.com
The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.
Making collection calls is a skill you can develop. You have to be able to anticipate what the customer is going to say and be ready for anything, and you must remain in control of the call. For your collection call to be a success, it must always result in agreement as to what is to be done. Join us this Tuesday to learn more on the Bottled Business Sense Show.
The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Rick Moscoso – Captivate365.com
Steve Smith – GrowthSourceCoaching.com
Clearly, there are issues all employers should be aware of concerning the implementation of workplace benefits, that employees are not only entitled to, but many of which are required by state law. A failure to adhere to these laws can be devastating to a business owner’s financial security and stability. Interestingly enough, some of these answers may surprise you. Join your hosts on the Bottled Business Sense Show to find out more.
The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Steve Smith – GrowthSourceCoaching.com
Rick Moscoso –Captivate365.com
Clearly, there are issues all employers should be aware of concerning the implementation of workplace benefits, that employees are not only entitled to, but many of which are required by state law. A failure to adhere to these laws can be devastating to a business owner’s financial security and stability. Interestingly enough, some of these answers may surprise you. Join your hosts on the Bottled Business Sense Show to find out more.
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Steve Smith – GrowthSourceCoaching.com
Rick Moscoso –Captivate365.com
The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.
Have you previously written purchase agreements? What red flags should you be aware of? How much should you charge for your services? Is there an active lease agreement? What’s important to the Buyer v. the Seller? These are just some of the important issues to be aware of when considering a business purchase. Join us to discuss these issues and more, on this week’s Bottled Business Sense Show.
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Rick Moscoso – Captivate365.com
The Bottled Business Sense Show provides practical business perspectives that uniquely emphasize both legal and media marketing strategies that protect and insure the longevity of your business.
How to Deal With Rising Minimum Wage Costs
Rising wages, while a legitimate cost of doing business, nevertheless affects not only bottom line profits, but also dealing with stark competition when it comes to making sure your business can afford to hire the best employees available. Wage increase planning is the key, and that involves much more than just meeting with your accountant once a year.
Join Bill, Rick and Steve to learn more about how your business can deal effectively with rising minimum wage costs.
Steve Smith – GrowthSourceCoaching.com
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Rick Moscoso – Captivate365.com
A recent Supreme Court ruling holds that the Affordable Care Act authorized federal tax credits for eligible Americans living not only in states with their own exchanges but also in the 34 states with federal marketplaces. It staved off a major political showdown and a mad scramble in states that would have needed to act to prevent millions from losing health care coverage.
Join Bill, Rick and Steve to learn how it may affect your business model.
Bill Bernard – WFBLegalConsulting.com
Steve Smith – GrowthSourceCoaching.com
Rick Moscoso – Captivate365.com